A Practical Guide to Managing Your Finances in the Summer


Summer is often synonymous with vacations, social gatherings, and a more relaxed lifestyle as the days lengthen. While it's a season to enjoy, it can also lead to increased spending if you're not careful. To ensure you make the most of your summer without straining your budget, here are some practical tips for managing your finances during these sunny months.


Tip #1: Set a Summer Budget. Creating a budget specifically for the summer can help you keep track of seasonal expenses. Consider the following categories:

- Travel and vacations

- Entertainment and dining out

- Outdoor activities and sports

- Gifts and celebrations (e.g., weddings, graduations)

By allocating a specific amount to each category, you can enjoy your summer activities without overspending. You may also consider adding a “Miscellaneous” category to your summer budget. This way, if you end up needing to spend money on an unexpected expense that comes up, you will already have those funds accounted for in the budget and won’t feel like you need to overspend/ pull from your savings.


Tip #2: Plan Ahead for Vacations. Vacations can be one of the biggest summer expenses. Planning ahead can save you a significant amount of money. Consider these tips:

- Book early: Flights, accommodations, and vacation activities are often cheaper when booked well in advance.

- Look for deals: Use travel comparison websites and apps to find the best deals across the web.

- Travel during off-peak times: Prices can be lower if you travel at the beginning or end of the summer, or during weekdays.


Tip #3: Take Advantage of Free or Low-Cost Activities. Summer offers many opportunities for free or low-cost fun, such as:

- Parks and lakes: Enjoying nature can be inexpensive and relaxing. Consider taking a staycation to the Grand Mesa, hiking on the National Monument, or exploring mountain towns near you rather than flying somewhere.

- Community events: Many communities in Western Colorado host events such as concerts, festivals, and movie nights. While not all these events are free, you can visit your city’s website for deals and discounts.

- DIY activities: From backyard barbecues to gardening projects, scavenger hunts for the kids and picnics at sunset, there are many ways to have fun during the summer without spending much.


Tip #4: Save on Utilities. With the rising temperatures, utility bills can skyrocket. Here’s how to keep them in check:

- Use fans and natural ventilation: Fans use less energy than air conditioning and opening windows in the evening can cool your home naturally. When you are away from your home, consider turning the A/C down a few notches. The savings from small temperature changes will add up over the course of the summer. Take advantage of cooler nighttime temperatures by running your swamp cooler on high, if you have one, and opening windows to bring in the cool air. Close the windows and blinds in the morning to trap the cool air inside.

- Cook outside: Grilling outside can keep your home cooler and reduce air conditioning costs.

- Consider energy-efficient solutions: Consider investing in energy-efficient appliances, window coverings, and insulation to save on electricity bills. If you cannot invest in these now, then try to keep blinds and curtains closed during the hottest part of the day to block out direct sunlight and reduce heat gain. Applying reflective films to your windows can help reduce the amount of heat entering your home. Use shades, awnings, or outdoor plants to block direct sunlight from hitting your windows and walls.


Tip #5: Mind Your Grocery Budget. With more social gatherings and possibly more time at home, especially if you have kids, grocery expenses can increase during the summer months. Here’s some ideas for managing them:

- Plan your meals: Planning out meals at the start of each week can help you avoid impulse buys and reduce food waste.

- Buy in bulk: Purchasing non-perishable items in bulk can save a ton of money in the long run.

- Shop seasonal produce: Summer fruits and vegetables are not only fresher but often cheaper. If you can, visit your local farmers market and support local growers by purchasing their fruits and vegetables.

Tip #6: Review and Adjust Your Financial Goals. Summer is also a great time to review your financial goals and make any necessary adjustments. If you have any annual financial goals, this can be a perfect halfway check in point.

- Check your progress: See how well you’re doing with your savings and investment goals.

- Reallocate funds: If you have unexpected expenses, you might need to reallocate funds from other areas to cover these costs.

- Automate savings: Set up automatic transfers to your savings or investment accounts to ensure you’re consistently saving with each paycheck or other income.


Tip #7. Stay Disciplined with Credit Cards. It’s easy to overspend with credit cards, especially during the summer. To avoid falling into debt:

- Set spending limits: Determine a limit for how much you can charge to your card each month.

- Pay off balances: Try to pay off your balance in full each month to avoid interest charges.

- Use rewards wisely: If you have a rewards card, use the points for travel, dining, or other summer activities to offset costs.


Managing your finances in the summer doesn’t mean you have to miss out on fun. By setting a budget, planning ahead, and making smart spending choices, you can enjoy the season without financial stress. Remember, the key is to strike a balance between having fun and staying financially responsible. Happy summer!