Coloramo Proudly Presents...


A Free Education Forum For All!

Join us for a FREE education forum aimed at assisting future and current students with paying for school. We will be in the Colorado Mesa University University Center, room 213 on Saturday, June 15th, starting at 9am.

As your partner for financial success, we are excited to bring together experts from across the nation to discuss important topics such as admissions, financial aid, loan consolidation, the cost of money, and so much more.

No matter what your unique education journey looks like, we are here to help you meet your needs of today and reach your dreams for tomorrow! This forum is open to all students, whether in high school, college, or trade school, and parents. No need to be a member of Coloramo to attend!

Free lunch will be provided to all registered attendees! Simply follow the link below to view more details and to register by June 13th.